Paul Ryan is the pick as Mitt Romney's vice president. Lots of pixels and ink have been devoted to what that means and how Ryan changes the game (or not, as the case may be).
Ultimately, Ryan isn't that remarkable among Republicans. Look over his record.
He voted for George W. Bush's unfunded tax cuts and his unfunded Medicare Part D expansion. He voted in favor of the unfunded war of choice in Iraq. He voted for TARP and the bailouts, practically begging his colleagues to support the former. When Barack Obama took office, Ryan got religion about deficits and eventually put together his famous series of budgets that cut taxes and spending.
In other words, he is a garden variety politician. Spending by his party's leader is a judicious use of our resources that strikes the right balance, while spending by the other party's leader is wasteful and a burden to future generations. Deficits created by his party aren't worth worrying about, but those racked up by the other party are dangerous. Nothing is new under the sun.
Ryan does shine as a communicator, as he's able to state his cases in a clear and often convincing manner. He will do a better job at advancing his party's ideas than Romney does. However, there's nothing in his record that makes Ryan all that special. He's a Republican who mainly just votes the party line.
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